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November 14, 2021

Verses to my son – In Search of Solace

Carmen Vella Gauci

What is grief? How do you deal with grief? Following the untimely death of my son at just 14 years our lives fell apart. Nothing prepares you for a sudden loss, let alone for the loss of a child. In my grief I turned to my art but I could not focus and I felt my inspiration dried up. Instead I started to form words in my head and soon I began to realise I was forming poetry. My poetry come straight from my heart! I began to post my poetry on face book and the response was overwhelming, I started getting people asking me to create a poetry book with all my poems, in that I could help others who were passing or passed through the loss of someone dear to them.

This road we have been assigned is not an easy one. If you are reading this during a grieving time, I wish I was near you to give you my support and hug you, but that is not possible. What I can do however is that through my book I can give you an insight into grief, how to grieve, what to expect, but also poems and prose about hope, anger, judgement, etc – all the things you will be faced with are right here in this book. My book will validate your pain, your emotions. I hope that this collection of writings will help you find solace while you travel through your journey of grief. Hold on to this book and just know that you are not alone. You are never alone. A hug of support coming your way.

Who is Carmen?

I am a mature young woman and I use the experiences that life offered me, the joys and the pains, in my art. I always had a passion for art and doodling. From a very young age I always remember myself drawing and later on in life, painting.

I started off with a passion for watercolours but of late use mixed media.

At school I would fill up my desk with doodling, which I had to erase but start again the next day. My desk was my canvas for each day.

Today, I can’t imagine my life without art, it has become an integral part of who I am, it’s a necessity for me like the air that I breathe. I sleep with the thought of what the next day will bring new to my paintings, what can be improved upon or what can be experimented. In the morning I wake up full of ideas or challenges – eager to start.

I consider myself to be an art fanatic. I will draw or paint with any medium. It could be a kebab stick, my fingers or cotton buds that might trigger my imagination… I use anything that tickles or challenges my imagination and I don’t stop until I get started and satisfied with the finished piece of artwork. At times I could paint all night until I see the desired artwork enfold in front of me.

My present style is full of energy, colours, a bit of a dreamer combined with creativity.

More of my works can be viewed on Enjoy!

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