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November 5, 2022

European Council of Interior Architects (ECIA) celebrates its 30 years at General Assembly in Florence

Words Martin Thörnblom, ECIA President

The Malta Interior Design Association (MIDA) is a full executive member of ECIA and was proudly represented at this years’ GA by Davina Preca, President and Martina Salomone board member.

On 24 September 2022 ECIA held its General Assembly and celebrated its 30th anniversary in Florence, Italy. For this special event more than 100 participants from the different member organisations, as well as guests such as former presidents and board members, representatives of possible new members, the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers and the Architects' Council of Europe came together in the impressive Sala Degli Specchi (Gallery of Mirrors) of Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Round table discussions were held where important questions centered around the topics of adaptive re-use of buildings and the need for PhD programs for interior architects/designers were debated.

ECIA President Martin Thörnblom called on this occasion to stand together to overcome the energy crises and stressed the contribution interior architects can make to solutions for fighting climate change. "In times like today with the pandemic, war and energy crises everybody acknowledges the need for concrete measures to achieve an affordable and sustainable environment and housing. This is where the interior architects play an essential role and can massively contribute to helping Europe to become greener, more sustainable and beautiful".

He thanked the Italian host Interior Designers Association (AIPi) for its warm welcome and the excellent organisation of the event in the beautiful Sala Degli Specchi (Gallery of Mirrors) of Palazzo Medici Riccardi.

ECIA is the representative body for European professional organisations in Interior Architecture/Design. Over the past 30 years the ECIA has witnessed a growing number of members. During the General assembly in Florence the French association "Pôle Action" was accepted as a new member. In recent years a study to collect data about the profession has been executed and the Charter for education and standards of Interior Architects has been revised - a tool to increase recognition and visibility as well as to strengthen the profession. This objective will be the main goal also for the next decades in order to achieve a general recognition of the profession by public and legislative bodies at local, national and EU level. Another important aim of the ECIA is to exchange knowledge and examples of best practice among the members. In the future the collaboration will be improved and a competition for good practices in interior architecture will be organized, and a prize will be awarded to the projects.

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